Monday, December 1, 2008

My Poor Capri!

Capri broke out in a rash on Thanksgiving! It just started with a few little Red spots on Thursday morning, then by the time we got to my moms for dinner there was a few more (No big deal yet, probably just hives). Then by Friday morning she was covered in these lovely blisters! So off to the Dr.s we go, We saw Dr. Garg cause our normal Dr. was out for the holiday (of course). Dr. Garg was fairly certain it was Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease but called Dr. Viceck in for his opinion. Final conclusion: It is either H.F. and M. or the Herpes virus cause Noelle had a cold sore the week before and had been kissing her!! Either way it sucks, but Capri is a trooper and was in the best mood the whole time. Luckily now they are starting to dry up and go away! UGGGG!!


beck said...

Oh, man! That's a bummer...but holy moly she is the cutest thing I've ever seen! Hope she gets better really quick!

Walking With Tippytoes! said...

Holy Cow it got so much worse sence I saw her on Thanksgiving. I so glad that they are starting to heal and that she hasn't been miserable .
Love ya
Give her a big kiss from me.

Ruby said...

Holy Cow!!!! Poor kid. That just makes my skin hurt! Hope she gets better soon.

Tara Bergsjo said...

That is so sad!! I can't believe how much of it covers her body!! I hope it goes away really fast and that none of your other kids get it!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's not fair at all. I hope she's doing better.


Anonymous said...

Poor Capri. It almost looks like chicken pox. that name! Sorry Amber didn't get by to see you. It was so chaotic. Hope all is well!

babbler said...

I stumbled upon your blog and saw the rash - I had the same thing once, I think I may have gotten it from mildewed towels I was using while traveling abroad....anyway, I am glad to hear it is drying up, mine lasted for weeks! I never did find out what it was. Anyway, thanks for letting me visit your family, I like your blog and the obvious love that you all have for each other.
Barb in Oregon

Amy said...

So so sad. But what a cutie.