Thursday, October 2, 2008

Just some Pics from this week!!

We have had the stomach flu at our house this week but still managed to get in a few fun pics!





Monica said...

So cute!! I can't believe how big Capri is getting!!! How does Noelle like kindergarten?

Mandi Nield said...

so cute and thanks for letting gooch come to school with me!!

Chels said...

cute, frank and franky both make me laugh with their funny faces. he really is just like his dad. capri is getting so big and is really cute, and i can never get enough of noelle. you guys really need to come up and visit real soon.

love ya

Walking With Tippytoes! said...

I love your kids so much. Capri is getting so big. It just seems like yesterday you were pregnant and miserable like me. But they sure are worth it.
Love ya!

Walking With Tippytoes! said...

I love your kids so much. Capri is getting so big. It just seems like yesterday you were pregnant and miserable like me. But they sure are worth it.
Love ya!

Tara Bergsjo said...

I am so sorry you guys have been sick!! I can't get over how big that sweet baby is getting! Love you guys!!

Anonymous said...

Those pictures make me miss you guys so much. I need to come for a visit.
