Friday, September 12, 2008

Our Week at a glance!

The week started off with Noelle starting her Ballet/Tap class and her Cheer/Tumbling class. She is going to Dance Illusion and is taking lessons from our good friend Lisa Preece. She is having such a blast and I love watching her!

Capri is getting so big and she loves going to dance class too!!

Gooch is being such a good big brother and helps me out a lot while Noelle is in school!!

We are very proud of Franks cousin Sarah Tyer who has just started modeling in NYC! She had a great time during Fashion Week in NYC and was chosen to do the finale in Bryant Park this Friday night. She even got to do a show with Justin Timberlake and Heidi Klum. She was chosen by an Italian agency to go and do Fashion Week in Milan and is leaving this Sunday for 2 months. Way to go SARAH!! Frank is a little jealous though, Milan, Italy was were he served his mission and misses it so much!


Mandi Nield said...

wow sarah must be really good at what she does. i am jealous too. and noelle looks like she's having so much fun in gymnastics and dance!!! i cant wait to see her performances!

Tara Bergsjo said...

She looks cute! I hope she likes dance as much my girls! I can't beleive how much that new little girl has grown!! I love your kids so much!!

Nat said...

she's a skeleton! Nat