Thursday, July 24, 2008

Uncle Sal / AKA-Chef Sammy

Our near and dear friend "Sammy" came to meet Capri and he made us the most delicious meal of pasta,sausage and peppers, and my personal favorite- meatballs! It was so good and we had such a good time with him. We were even able to talk him into staying the night. Noelle and Gooch were thrilled for the slumber party. A little sad though, Sammy is the Chef up at Bear Lake West and was recently offered a job in Moab that doubled his salary and other benefits that he just could not refuse, so needless to say he will be moving there next week. We will miss him so much and love him so much! We met Sammy a few years back when we went to dinner at "Belle Monte" and he was the Chef there. Frank got wind that the Chef was a fellow "Italian" from New York and that was all it took. Frank asked to meet him and they hit it off! Ever since then he is family and has even spent the holidays with us. The benefit of awesome food and incredible cheesecake has also been awesome! Good Luck to you Sammy!! You will do great in Moab and we will be down to see you often!!!


Tara Bergsjo said...

I am so sorry that he is moving. But I guess that gives you another reason to sneak in a vacation so you can see him!

Walking With Tippytoes! said...

I have family in moab. We'll have to go together sometime.