Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The End (or Beginning) is in sight!!!

Ok here is the latest. I went to the Dr. yesterday and we set a date to induce me. It is looking like it will be July 1st unless things change or of course unless I start on my own. Good news though, I am now only measuring 1 week bigger than I am. Oh by the way for those of you who don't know, we have settled on a name. SURPRISE It is not any of the names we had on the vote!!! LOL If you don't already know then you will have to wait to find out what it is and the meaning behind it!!


Tara Bergsjo said...

I can not wait to meet that sweet little girl! I love you guys so much! Hang in there!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Cameron,

Make sure you call me when you go into labor. By the way, I tagged you on my blog.

Love ya,
