Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy 2009!

Well we decided to spend New Years Eve at my sisters house in Idaho Falls! My Mom and Brother, Todd and his kids came along! It was a lot of fun!! We made our own personal pizza's, played on the snowmobiles, and than we rocked out with the Rock Band game! A good time for all!


Tara Bergsjo said...

Yummy! Looks like fun. My kids love making there own personal pizza! Very cute pictures!

Walking With Tippytoes! said...

Looks like you all had a lot of fun. Miss ya. Give the kids a big kiss!

Susie said...

Wow, look at Capri! She's changed so much! So cute!

Ruby said...

Looks like a fun party!!!

The Morton's said...

Your kids are SOOOOO cute!!!

Melissa said...

Capri is such a doll!