Monday, July 7, 2008

Capri Jeanne Righetti

Finally and after a very hard labor our new little (or not so little) princess "Capri" is here!!!!
She was born July 1st at 11:02 Pm and weighed 10 lbs and 4 oz (OUCH). She was also 22 inches long!


Chels said...

CONGRATULATIONS! She is so cute. I can't wait to come up and see her sometime.

Susie said...

She's beautiful! I love the pictures!

Mandi Nield said...

i can't believe that you already got her pictures!!! they are so adorable!!!! she looks so cute. i can't wait to come see her again!! you'll just have to call me to come help you with gooch and Noelle!!
love ya tons and can't wait 23 more days till we leave for jersey!!

Melissa said...

Thats about how big addison was at 8 weeks and she was a big baby!!! She is freakin cute! Big babies are way cuter than little ones... as long as they don't weigh 16 pounds when they are born! Really she is very pretty. I love her. I love you! Congrats and I hope everything is going well fodr you.

Kassey said...

Big babies are the best, they stay healthy and they can hold thier own heads up right away! Congrats on the new little one, she is darling!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Cam,

She is sooo cute. I can't wait to see her. Send me lots of pictures.


Tara Bergsjo said...

I can not get over how darn beautiful she is! Congrats again! Please call if you need anything!!