Friday, January 18, 2008

Back to the Blog!!!

Well the holidays are over and I have committed to getting back to my blog! It gives me something to do during the doldrums of January!!!
I guess I should take this time to officially announce that Frank and I are expecting again. Most of you probably already know this but just in case I skipped anyone (Sorry Rex) I am announcing it now. I am now four months along and I am thrilled. This Pregnancy has been so much harder than the other two. I keep telling myself that it is just because I am a few years older and have two kids to watch over now but that doesn't seem to help the nausea and extreme exhaustion! O well, it all pays off in the end!
I also thought that I would include my Gratitude Friday list. (Something that my Blogger Mentor, Amy has turned me onto:
  1. I am grateful for my wonderful husband who continuously pulls me out of my stress and worry funks that I seem to get into quite often. He is such a stud!!!!
  2. I am grateful for my children who make me laugh and smile even in my worst of moods! They are so awesome!
  3. I am thankful for my extended family, those on each side of this country! You are all so great and I feel so blessed to have you all!
  4. I am so thankful for my dear friends that seem to let me vent all the time. You also aid in keeping me sane, and Amy, I agree, those late night talks are incredibly awesome!
  5. I am thankful for my Mom who takes me for who I am and loves me anyway!
  6. I am thankful to my Heavenly Father and Savior, Jesus Christ who are always listening to my prayers and blessing me every day!
  7. I am thankful to the Dente's for a great sleepover and for being our adopted family!! We Love You!!
  8. And last, but not least, I am thankful for this little baby growing inside me!

Well that is all for today but trust me I will have more to add to the list next Friday

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